May 2019 - Dianne Nichols
What first brought you to yoga and how long have you been practicing?
My son Davy encouraged me to try yoga two years ago. I was a definite beginner!
What is/are your intention(s) for your yoga practice?
My intention for yoga is to keep my joints flexible; and improve my posture, balance and strength.
What is your favorite pose and why?
My favorite pose is Savasana (Corpse Pose). I feel like it is my reward after practicing all of the other yoga poses. The best part is when Susan adds a blanket or pushes down on my shoulders for more relaxation.
What is your favorite class at Inside Out Yoga?
Yoga for Healthy Aging. This is a friendly group that encourages each other, as Susan says, "Smile" and "No pain, no pain", while Louise keeps track of the count, lol! Yoga for Better Breathing is also an excellent class.
How has the practice of yoga influenced your life?
Going to a weekly yoga class has been a definite investment in my health, both physically and mentally.
What advice would you have for a beginning yoga student?
Show up consistently to classes so you can build on your progress. Susan is an excellent teacher and gives very clear directions both verbally and by demonstration. It also helps to position yourself in the middle of the room so you can follow along with the more experienced yogis.
What is your occupation?
Many years ago I taught nursing in Montreal before becoming a full-time wife and mother.
What activities do you enjoy?
Being a grandmother of three. (In the photo is beautiful Juliet.) I enjoy gardening, reading, scrapbooking and yoga. I keep open to the infinite possibilities that life offers.
What is your favorite thing about living in the Northern Neck or Middle Peninsula?
I am fortunate to live on the Rappahannock River. There is always something to make me reach for the binoculars ...ospreys building their nest, dolphins gliding by, sailboat regattas...
Is there anything you want to add?
A big thank you to Susan for her encouragement and a yoga studio with a view.