October 2019 - Beth Johnson

Beth Johnson.JPG

What first brought you to yoga and how long have you been practicing?

A friend convinced me to go to a yoga class with her.  I kept on putting her off, thinking yoga wasn’t for me – I’m not very athletic and don’t go for that new age spiritual stuff. I finally agreed and went to what I now know was a pretty nonchallenging class and it really whipped my butt. I thought for sure that I would be sore the next day, but to my surprise, not only was I not sore, the crick in my shoulder that had been bothering me for several years was gone and has never come back. I had also gotten to the point of not wanting to bend over to pick something up off the floor and being in pain for days after a full day of pulling weeds – in other words feeling my age. Now I don’t think twice about bending over, sometimes I do it just because it feels good and I know that, if overdoing it in the garden causes some aches and pains, a few quick stretches or a short yoga flow will take care of it and I’ll feel fine the next day. I was hooked after that first class and have been practicing steadily for the last 12 years.  Practicing yoga has made me feel 10 years younger than I did before and has helped me to be more relaxed off the mat, too.

What is/are your intention(s) for your yoga practice?

My main intention is to become stronger, both physically and mentally, so as to age as gracefully as possible. I always try to challenge myself, taking into account my limitations, but not allowing them to keep me from growing.

What is your favorite pose and why?

Down Dog. When I first started, Down Dog was hard for me and I couldn’t imagine it being a “resting pose,” but now, especially in a challenging flow, I look forward to getting back to it for rest and to reconnect with my breath and my intention.

What is your favorite class at InsideOut Yoga?

I love, love, love the Tuesday morning flow. It is challenging, but not too challenging. I always leave feeling better than when I arrived.  For me, it’s perfect.

How has the practice of yoga influenced your life?

It has enhanced my friendship with the person who encouraged me to go, it has helped me to become a stronger person, and it has given me the opportunity to feel good about and make time for myself. My teenage daughter started doing yoga with me 10 years ago, attending some of my classes. She now teaches yoga and I always try attend one of her classes when I visit. (Although she often needs to tone them down for me since she practices power yoga.) I only regret not having started decades sooner.

What advice would you have for a beginning yoga student?

Find a really good teacher and start either with a class for beginners or with private lessons. It is so important to start with good alignment so you don’t injure yourself. If possible, go with a friend.

What is your occupation?

Soon to be retired finance director.

What activities do you enjoy?

Gardening, cooking and hiking. I’ve never been sure whether I like to garden because I like to cook or whether I like to cook because I garden. I like hiking because it gives me the opportunity to commune with nature – or like the Japanese say, “forest bathe.” Like yoga, it’s good for both the body and the soul. 

What is your favorite thing about living in the Northern Neck or Middle Peninsula?

Its beautiful, quiet and peaceful.  (I guess that’s really three things,  but…)

Is there anything you want to add?

I would like to encourage anyone who is reluctant to try yoga to just do it. You don’t know what you are missing and you won’t regret it once you start. I started at fifty and wish I’d started at twenty. Its never too late to start being kind to yourself.