September 2019 - Elizabeth Bulette
What first brought you to yoga and how long have you been practicing?
We had just moved to White Stone and one early spring morning while walking my dog I met a neighbor, Consi Palmer, who told me about Susan Johnson's Wednesday morning yoga class and what a great workout she was getting. I remember Consi saying, "I've done a lot of yoga and Susan is the best you'll ever find, and she's right here in White Stone!"
Not ever having done yoga before, I figured, "What do I have to lose . . . coming so highly recommended, I should give it a try." So a few months later on a Wednesday morning I attended Power Flow. What Consi didn't tell me was that Susan names most of the poses in Sanskrit. What a treat to listen to; it's such a beautiful ancient language.
What is/are your intention(s) for your yoga practice?
I have been practicing Pilates for about ten years, so I began yoga with a strong core. My intention was to continue strengthening my body. However, the added bonus is more mindful breathing, focused attention, and terrific classmates.
What is your favorite pose and why?
As a new student of yoga , my favorite pose is the very next pose Susan teaches me. I enjoy figuring out each one, admittedly some more than others. I'm amazed at what our bodies are able to do under good instruction.
What is your favorite class at InsideOut Yoga?
Wednesday's Vinyasa Flow . . . and no kidding, it's a great workout!
How has the practice of yoga influenced your life?
Good posture, and balance in both body and mind.
What advice would you have for a beginning yoga student?
Trust that your body's memory will be there when you repeat a pose, and take cues from classmates to make sure you're doing the right thing. Don't worry about remembering all the Sanskrit words, just enjoy their melodic quality, take in what you can, and have fun.
What is your occupation?
Good governance is my work. I consult to college presidents and governing boards on issues of leadership, governance and the alignment of people to organizational purpose. I teach leadership and governance to doctoral students at Hood College, and I sit on several college boards.
What activities do you enjoy?
When not working, I want to be outdoors: hiking, swimming, sailing with my husband Greg, gardening, long walks with our standard poodle named Bell, bird watching, kayaking (my new love, thanks to Brigitte Wolf-Small) and just sitting under our big old tree catching up on my reading.
What is your favorite thing about living in the Northern Neck or Middle Peninsula?
The serene beautify of the water and the vast open sky. . . also the beautiful friendships that form here at this stage in our lives.
Is there anything you want to add?
I love the way Susan ends her practice by challenging us to be open to "infinite possibilities." What a hopeful message!