September 2016 - Ginger Houck

What first brought you to yoga and how long have you been practicing?

I first started yoga about 25 years ago (!!!) when I was a physical therapist and had a yoga instructor for a patient. Once she was discharged from therapy, she invited me to her class. It was awesome. At the time, I was doing a lot of cycling so it was nice to substitute yoga for a day of riding. I would say what I learned most with this class is that yoga is not a competition. A difficult concept for some of us.

What is/are your intention(s) for your yoga practice?

My intentions for yoga have evolved over time. Initially, I wanted the flexibility I would gain and a more balanced exercise program. My intentions now, I think, have matured to include the whole mental/spiritual aspect. I want to be more present. I want to be able to control my monkey brain, although control is not exactly the right word. Being mentally spastic is part of who I am, but yoga is helping me to be at least more disciplined.

What is your favorite pose and why?

Downward Facing Dog. It’s complicated and simple all at the same time. I can always be challenged by it but can also relax into it. Plus, the day my heels touch the floor and my knees are straight, we are having a mimosa!

What is your favorite class at InsideOut Yoga?

Steady Flow. Yep. A surprise when I think about it. I figured I would be a Power Flow girl all the way. Go big or go home, right? Steady Flow is physically challenging but it allows me to work on the mental part of yoga as well.

How has the practice of yoga influenced your life?

I’m less judgmental about me, about where I am in my journey. I’m where I am and I can enjoy that. I’m more present.

What advice would you have for a beginning yoga student?

Pick your instructor carefully. It can make the difference between a good class and a great class.

What is your occupation?

Retired physical therapist. I specialized in orthopaedics and was know as the “Queen of Knees” and Ginger “the Hammer” Houck. Now I work very part time in the pharmacy of the Northern Neck Free Health Clinic. 

What activities do you enjoy?

Biking, yoga, kayaking, reading, cooking, making jewelry, gardening, spending time with family and friends. 

What is your favorite thing about living in the Northern Neck?

The pace of life. And lack of traffic.

Is there anything you want to add?

Susan is the bomb!