October 2013 - Jim Philbrick

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What first brought you to yoga and how long have you been practicing?

Three years ago I decided to try yoga to deal with a bad case of sciatica and an injury I had acquired as a result of carrying three heavy suitcases up four flights of stairs. The injury has been resolved and the sciatica is in abeyance.

What is your intention for your yoga practice?

My intention is to continue. I have more balance, I can resolve minor aches and pains in my back and major muscle groups and I have much more stamina and tone.

What is your favorite pose and why?

My favorite is Down Dirty Dog. It is the basis for most other poses and it is a great strength and tone exercise. You can do it anywhere.

Who or what inspires your practice at InsideOut Yoga?

There is a wealth of experience with Susan and with other students. Some have fifteen or twenty years of practice and are very willing to share it with others. I have experienced real growth and progress and I am continually encouraged. My kids say I rock.

How has the practice of yoga influenced your life?

I have stalled the aging process and I have a heightened sense of well-being. I stand taller and I have more endurance. Yoga rules.

What advice would you have for a beginning yoga student?

Get on the mat, ask questions and make time to practice at home. Choose a yoga instructor who leads a multi-level practice with increasing demands on your stamina and form so that you get a sense of improvement as you progress in your practice, Susan Johnson for instance.  To keep your practice safe, "don't swing at every pitch."

What is your occupation?

I retired from the US Navy and from the healthcare business.

What activities do you enjoy?

I participate with a group of men who take a spiritual program into medium security prisons.

What is your favorite thing about living in the Northern Neck?

Morning and evening drive time gridlock and lots of fresh melons.

Is there anything you want to add?

More pain-free years to my life.